Thursday, July 28, 2016

Episode 46: Craft Beer SALEs aren't getting cut

Episode 46: Craft Beer SALEs aren't getting cut

Ever want to hear someone do long division on a podcast?  Take a listen.  Also, we talk about 2016 sales of craft beer, the Chris Sale saga and White Sox trade deadline suggestions.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Episode 45: I Anti-Trust Rob Manfred

Episode 45: I Anti-Trust Rob Manfred

Who likes monopoly?!  Lets break down the merger of In Bev and Miller.  Also can we limit the number of relief pitchers a coach can use in a game?  Rob Manfred says it could be a possibility!  Take a listen.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Episode 44: MVP's are bad for you; check the label

Episode 44: MVPs are bad for your health; Check the label

All-Star week lasts foreeeevvvveerrrr (Or 5 days) so Brendan decided to see who would win the BBWAA awards should the season end this week.  Also discuss the reprecautions of having to put nutrition labels on beer things.

Twitter: @bbowes81

Friday, July 8, 2016

Episode 43: Fun Craft Beer Facts and Dumb All-Star Facts

Episode 43: Fun Craft Beer Facts and Dumb All-Star Facts

Despite battling a cold most of the week, Brendan will blow your mind with some interesting craft beer facts and runs down the starters (JUST the starters) of the 2016 MLB All Star Game!