Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Episode 17: Roundtable Discussions are not in the Unwritten Rules

Episode 17: Roundtable Discussions are not in the Unwritten Rules

In this episode, Brendan has a roundtable discussion about craft beer/home brewing with some friends and puts unwritten rules in baseball on blast.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Episode 16: It's Summer. Slam me a beer!

Episode 16: It's Summer. Slam me a beer!

In this episode, Brendan previews WWE's annual Summerslam PPV as well as going to OEC this weekend AND baseball talk.  Hurray! (Also, modified ending)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Quick follow up

Hi everyone!
I realized as I was recording this episode that I have spoken my contact info many times but I dont think I've put it on the webpage.  So, if you want to get in touch with me: here's how you can:

Plus you can comment in the comment section too,if needed.

Also a quick favor, I did use a new mic for episode 15, please let me know the quality of sound, etc... Im just curious if I need to adjust the settings some more.  Thanks!

Episode 15: Lists and World Series

Episode 15: Lists and World Series

In this episode, Brendan has a top 5 list of his favorite beer "styles"  And also goes over what World Series matchup he'd be most interested in.  There's also a White Sox check in as well.  Also a modified opening as well as first recording with new microphone.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Episode 14: I went to see Sammy Smith in Person

Episode 14: I went to see Sammy Smith in Person

In this episode Brendan discusses Samuel Smith (The brewery) visiting the beer club.  Also your weekly roundup on the White Sox as well as the last second trades after last weeks show.  Have yourself a listen.